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Project Profile

Clabber Creek Trail Extension


In Fayetteville, AR, the proposed route for a 0.75-mile extension of Clabber Creek Trail brought the trail through some of the city’s wetlands, which are susceptible to flooding. The idea of a boardwalk was rejected by city officials at first, due to potential wetland disturbance and excess shade for the area’s plants; however, the plan was approved when it was discovered that the boardwalk areas could be raised higher above the wetland area, protecting the plants below. For this wet and humid project site, the City desired a boardwalk material that wouldn’t rot or warp.


After reviewing the pros and cons of different materials for the trail’s boardwalks, including pressure-treated wood and composite decking materials, the City selected PermaTrak because of its durable, maintenance-free concrete system. The City of Fayetteville’s was able to purchase material directly from PermaTrak and use its in-house maintenance team for installation. PermaTrak’s simple construction process and technical field support team helped the City save significant money. The City will continue to see additional savings in its maintenance budget.

Clabber Creek Trail will eventually span seven miles and connect to the rest of Fayetteville’s greenway network. This addition provides a route for students to safely walk from Holcomb Elementary School and Holt Middle School, and will provide greater connectivity to everyone in the community.

Location: Fayetteville, AR
Contractor: City of Fayetteville, AR

Technical Description

Boardwalk Length(s): 621 ft. and 105 ft.
Tread Width(s): 12 ft.
Color: Natural Concrete
Texture: Sandblast
Installation Date: December 2015