Tree Root Crossings in Boardwalk and Trail Design: A Guide for Landscape Architects and Engineers

Trees play a critical role in landscape design, offering numerous environmental and aesthetic benefits. As Professor ...

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Boardwalk & Pedestrian Bridge Widths: 5' to 14' Clearance [Photos]

If you are an architect or engineer designing a boardwalk or pedestrian bridge, you may have a specific clearance width ...

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Boardwalk Design and Construction for Uplift Forces

Boardwalk Design & Build for Uplift Forces (Floodplain, Storms, Wind) One of the most popular questions I hear from ...

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Boardwalk Design Tips: Choosing the Correct Pile Size and Spacing

Our engineering team often works with owners and designers to help determine pile size and spacing options for the ...

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From Trail to Boardwalk: Five Types of Transitions

Like any commercial boardwalk or pedestrian bridge, each PermaTrak project uses abutments to transition to another ...

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6 Step Process: Getting Started with Boardwalk Design [VIDEO]

If you are thinking about designing a pedestrian bridge, boardwalk, or pier for your next project, the 3-minute video ...

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Designing a Boardwalk for Heavier Loading Requirements

Introduction Occasionally our engineering team here at PermaTrak works with designers who need to specify a trail or ...

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Wetland Boardwalks: The Advantages of Precast Concrete [INFOGRAPHIC]

Comparing Pressure-Treated Timber, Composite and Concrete Boardwalks in Wetland Areas Wetlands contain valuable and ...

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Is PermaTrak an Option for Your Pedestrian Bridge Needs?

PermaTrak as a Pedestrian Bridge Solution While most PermaTrak projects use the system for commercial boardwalks or ...

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3 Design Considerations for Boardwalks in Harsh Northern Climates

In harsh climates—particularly those with heavy snowfall—there is an added level of complication to boardwalk design, ...

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