What Is the Maximum Concrete Boardwalk Width?

Posted by Jason Philbin on April 26, 2024

If you are an architect or engineer, you're probably familiar with the terms "usable width" or "clear width" as they relate to boardwalks, pedestrian bridges, and multi use trails. One of the common questions that comes up with the ...

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Topics: Boardwalk Materials, Concrete Boardwalk Questions

Sole Sourcing: How to Specify PermaTrak for a Publicly Funded Project

Posted by Jason Philbin on July 7, 2016

If you have been under contract for design services on a publicly funded project, you know that sole sourcing hardscape products is almost always disallowed. So when your project involves federal, county or local funding, how can you play ...

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Topics: Boardwalk Materials, Concrete Boardwalk Questions

Are PermaTrak Concrete Boardwalks Colored or Stained?

Posted by Fritz Fromherz on September 24, 2014

If you are a landscape architect busy conceptualizing a boardwalk or pedestrian bridge project, you're probably thinking about colors and textures - and wondering whether our concrete boardwalk product can be colored, stained or sealed?

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Topics: Boardwalk Materials

Top 3 Benefits of PermaTrak's Concrete Boardwalk System

Posted by Jason Philbin on August 28, 2014

Architects and engineers often come to PermaTrak when they have a specific design challenge they're addressing for a client. This is most often for a commercial boardwalk system or pedestrian bridge project. Over the years we've identified ...

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Topics: Boardwalk Materials, Boardwalk Design

3 Applications Where Concrete Boardwalks Are Not a Good Fit

Posted by Jason Philbin on June 25, 2014

If you're researching boardwalk or pedestrian bridge materials, you're probably comparing wood (timber) decking vs. composite decking vs. concrete. Building materials perform best when they are utilized in very specific capacities and ...

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Topics: Boardwalk Materials, Concrete Boardwalk Questions